Dirt Merchant
SASS # 61422
aka Wayne Taliaferro
Dirt started cowboy shooting in March of 2005 and quickly chose the B-Western category as his favorite. It allows him to dress in a manner which he enjoys and shoot guns. He was a hunter who had been able to fulfill his dreams in hunting - and hunt where most of us could only dream. Dirt actively supports SASS where ever he can. Pretty much like his picture above, he is always smiling, and welcoming others and willing to help the club as well as the newer shooter.
He quickly became proficient in his shooting and has had the plasure of shooting at local matches as well as many across the country.
As you can see by his accomplishments below, he became a talented cowboy shooter just as he did in his hunting.
Major accomplishments
2006 2007 - Club Championships B-Western
2nd Georgia State Championship
Gold Medal, Georgia Games
6th South Carolina State ChampionshipB-Western
1st Mule Camp Cowboys
1st River Bend Rough Riders
1st Cherokee Cowboys  2007 2008 B-Western
1st World Indoor Championship
1st Alabama State championship, 12th overall
1st South Carolina State Championship
1st Alabama State Speed Double Shotgun
2nd Georgia State Championship
5th Shootout at Mule Camp, Southeast Regional Championship
6th Florida State Championship
11th End of Trail, World Championship
3rd End of Trail, World Championship, Precision PistolB-Western
1st Comin' At' Cha, Southwest Regional Championship
1st Georgia State Championship
1st Florida State Championship
2nd Shootout at Mule Camp, Southeast Regional Championship
2nd Tennessee State Championship
4th End of Trail, World Championship2008 - Club Championships
1st River Bend Rough Riders  2010 State B Western champion
Top 20 OverallSo be sure to say Howdy, the next time you see Dirt, Dirt, Dirt!!!